Authentic World War 2 era original M1 series gas mask. It was never sold or played with. No replaced or altered parts. The gas mask is in a very good condition. The carrying bag is in a good shape. The right- shoulder strap and waist strap are in a great condition. The carrying bag was used with a wide right-shoulder strap, carried at waist position on the left side. In use, the mask was removed from the bag while the canister remained in the bag, connected by the hose. A waist strap kept the bag close to the body. Also included is a can with ANTI-DIM STICK for the gas mask. The can is in great condition and contains anti-dim stick. I can assure that you will be very happy with this gas mask. This early war US gas mask great for a display. Great military item! You will hold in your hands and possess a real piece of WW2 history.