This is a positive-pressure system designed and developed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to protect newborn infants up to 3 years of age, from all known NBC agents. It affords complete and effective protection for extended periods, while assuring maximum comfort and allowing normal activity for the infant (eating, lying down, walking, playing), and for the parents (carrying the infant, feeding, diapering and comforting with pacifier). The unit consists of a head and body covering made of strong impermeable and transparent plastic laminate, which allows unobscured view of the infant. Assembled in the cover are two strong and secure plastic zippers for quick and easy positioning, or removal of the infant; an integrated feeding nipple (a feeding bottle is supplied with the system); a flexible rubber hose for directing the filtered air into the protector; and a support system consisting of a soft comfortable cushioning material on a rigid plastic “carrier”. Also incorporated is a brightly colored strap system for safely securing and carrying the infant. The Inpro is supplied in a uniquely designed highly protective plastic packing case. Positive pressure is maintained by a compact and reliable air supply unit, which draws in ambient air delivering it through the filter canister into the protector. The unit consists of a durable polycarbonate housing enclosing a highly efficient miniature blower, four lithium MnO2 batteries, and specially designed filter canister adaptor. Filter NOT included.